I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

Zang Toi West 57th St. Cafe, Pavilion KL
I don't know what this is called
Aseana Cafe Bar @ KLCC
Chocolat World
CNY reunion dinner
Welcome Home!
Sick Food (literally)
What's for dinner and lunch?
Must eat back home
What a day!

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Friday, October 31, 2008

Eating Weekend
Before I start, I have a VERY SUDDEN craving for UNAGI! Argggh. Give it to ME! Just the unagi - exclude the rice.... Or maybe a small portion of rice. BUT I WANT UNAGI! And I'm sooo bloated now. I just drank so much water =.=

Moving on, last weekend (24th - 25th Oct 08) my family came down and man, we were on an eating spree!!! AND I must add that it was absolutely AWESOME! NO! it was GRAND!

First off, on Saturday evening. Marche at Vivo City after watching Max Payne.

The concept, a Swiss/French Market (I think Swiss, but Marche is market in French)) setting and waiters dress like milk ladies from Holland.

Everyone who enters receives this card. And when you go buy food, you present this card and they will punch in the amount you spend on. At the end of your meal, you give your card to your cashier and you pay the amount. There's ups and downs to this system. Up: Eat as much as you want and not fret about the price. Down: Eat whilst in the fear of spending too much and thus, not enjoying your meal.

We, Mum, Aunt ML, John, Yin Chau, Jun Yen, the three little pigs (Julz, Bel and Jacobson) and I were seated on a camping sort of bench - but it was long.

Julz and I before deciding to go pig out. Yes, that's MY Liverpool jersey (the one my parents got for my birthday) and YES that's Julz "cleavage"! Hahaha!!! Internal joke. Ignore Ignore!

I had a hard time deciding on what to start with. I didn't want to fill myself up before I got started on the main dishes. And I didn't want to pig out and miss out on appetizers. So what I did - go for the main dishes and had a salad at the end. Yeah, its reverse but what to do? Anyway, I didn't try EVERYTHING, but it was reasonable a lot. Almost all the dishes.

Aunt ML got the Seafood Paella, which I tried. Argh! I hate Sentidos Tapas for making me compare this to that. Hahaha. I had my first Paella, ironically, in KL (when I could have had it when I went to Spain! but I had my first one AGES AGO), and it was SOOOO good. Been on the look out for one that can top it. Sentidos Tapas was located at Starhill, Bukit Bintang KL. Right now, I have NO idea where it is. SOBS! Ah wait a minute, I just googled it, its STILL at Starhill. MUST GO! Must paksa daddy to bring me when I'm back home. Wahaha!

So yeah, going back to topic. This was not exactly worth it, considering I've had one of THE MOST amazing Paellas, so yeah. Hahhaa. But its edible. DUH!

Immediately when we were seated, most of them (everyone except Julz and I) went to look around. And YinChau and JunYen were the first to return with Potato Gratin. =.=! Hhahaa

Foreground: Yin Chau's hand squeezing lemon juice on the potato gratin. Background: Jun Yen pigging out - dah biasa!!! Hahaha

Julz and I took a stroll and couldn't figure out what to eat. So we ordered a few things and then collected it and placed it on the table. Wanted to get more, but mum said "Eat first!" So I obliged! hahaha.

Top clockwise:
Calamari. NOW NOW, is there NO OTHER way to cook calamari!?!?! Everywhere I go, I order calamari and its served battered and deep fried and comes together with some amazingly delicious sauce. This case, tar tar sauce. La la la goooood! Even though I complain its battered and deep-fried, I enjoyed it! Hahaha.
Seafood Chowder
, ahhhh DELICIOUSLY ORGASMIC! I absolutely LOVED IT! It was not short of seafood. Had plenty of cut pieces of prawns and squid. There was also bits and pieces of potato and a little bit of carrot. It was sooooo good! I didn't even have to add pepper! I loved this! I call it, LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Pasta with Chicken and Tomato Sauce, didn't really enjoy this dish as Julz was pigging on this whilst I pigged on the chowder. Hahaha. But still, it wasn't exactly fantastic - maybe I'm being too critical. Hahaha. Edible lah k!

We slowly enjoyed other dishes that the others got. Hmm, sorry forgot to take pictures =P And John got....

PIG KNUCKLES! OK I know the correct term is pork knuckles but it just sounds so much more nicer! Hahaha. Anyway, my take on this dish... ARGH! Its sooo dry, but the sauce was good. Some parts were crispy and some were tender and yummy! Its ok. Edible.

I then jumped to desserts. hahahaha WAIT WHAT HAPPENED TO MY APPETISER RIGHT!?!?! hahaha. wait!

Apple Pie. ARGH! HORRENDOUS! The only saving grace was the top quarter layer. The top layer as awesome! Gooey and slightly sweer, the layer below that was some cooked dough and soft apple slices. And below that... YUCK!!! Why? BECAUSE IT WASN'T REALLY COOKED LAH!!!! I regret getting this! Grrr!

Unfortunately for YOU, I did not take a picture of one of the dishes I LOVED the most. THE *drum roll please* Ceasar Salad. Argh! I'm IN LOVE with Ceasar Salad, and the one I had just made me more in love with it. I topped it with Smoked Salmon instead of the usual roasted chicken and TOTALLY enjoyed it. Eventhough so much salmon went to Bel's belly. ARGH! But it was absolutely yummy. I call it, LOVE LOVE LOVE! What's so special is that they toss the salad in front of you, and they give you two big slices of smoked salmon, and they snip it to bite size pieces. The only down side was that the croutons were a little stale. But I did love it. Btw, the secret ingredient? Add some balsamic vinegar to the dressing. AWESOMENESS!

John went to get some crap? creep?

CREPE! This one was Strawberry and Banana flavoured. Weird mix? NO WAY! It was absolutely delicious. (I regret not going for the hot crepe, the one with ingredients like mushroom, bacon, etc etc). I know daddy loves it! Anyway, its not that bad. La la la goooood!

See your banana? Hehehe!

We left after hanging out abit and talking about some random stuff. Mum and Aunt ML got so cracked over something Jun Yen said, can't really remember... OHHHH YEAH! About the bread he ate making him bloat or something like that. LOL! War of the Life Science student with the Accounting student. Hahaha. Nah, just messing. He was educating me on the effects water has on bread. That it will "EXPAND" and I begged to differ. Water would make bread shrink and and... yeah lah, it'll disintergrate. HAHAHAHAHA! Well depends on how you look at it anyway.

So went back by bus. Mum learning how to take a bus. Hahaha. its so super cute. LOL! And then we're sooooo full. Anyway, just a picture of my laptop.. LOL. Nothing THAT fantastic ok.

Following day, went to East Coast Rd for Beach Rd Prawn Mee. AWESOMENESS! After that we headed to Suntec to walk around. Nothing much that was interesting so we headed to Marina Square. There we went to watch High School Musical 3: Senior Year. Yeah, what to do, stuck with the three little piggies ;) Well my reviews are up on Max Payne and HSM3. not exactly the kind of reviews I wanted it to be, but I was really lazy to blog about it.

at the cinema counter, saw this promotion for Madagascar 2. I cannot WAIT for it. Hahaha.

After watching HSM3, we headed to John Little to have a look. They were having a major sale. So just looked around. Got boxer shorts for SGD6. Kinda cheap if you ask me. However, I have no idea why I took such a big size. LOL! Its about to fall off me if I don't tie it properly. Hahaha. And...

Piggy #1, Julz, trying on the shades. Gosh, what's with that kinda smile? Hahaha. Btw, sorry guys, she's not up for grabs - she could use a break. Blahhh! I hope she does.

After walking around we headed to Shokudo at Raffles City. It was just from Marina Square to Raffles City, can you imagine... the three lil pigs each said "I have never walked so much in my life" LOL!!!! Its kinda funny! So well.... back to topic.

Shokudo has the same concept as Marche. You get the card, present it every time you get food, and at the end you pay. Except this time, its FULLY Japanese food.

Didn't really get the effect I was going for. +.+

Well, this time around, I was the lone person taking care of handbags and shoppings bags. Everyone went off, first person back... Bel and Julz... with....

Sushi, Makis etc etc. It was SO obvious this was what they'd go for. Well, I had the Unagi Maki... ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ORGASMIC! (Hint hint: I LOOOOVE Unagi!)

A brighter and weirder angle. Sorry lah!

Next Jacobson returned with....

Japanese Chicken Burger. Hahaha. WTF lah! Japanese burger. Sigh!

And he is as blur as ever. Hahahaha. Open your eyes lil' brother. Anyway, I don't know how this tasted like, but I presume its La la la gooood! Since Jacobson cleaned the plate.

Next, John returned with this really BIG omelette. I was wondering how the hell can a person eat so many eggs at one go...

But I was wrong, its actually Seafood Fried Rice wrapped in Egg. And Gopi said "Schlong" ALAMAK!!! I didn't really taste this. I had a little bit of the rice. Then Yin Chau said, its nicer with the egg, so I took a small piece of egg and added it to whatever I had in my mouth. LOL and its ok. Nothing to RAVE about. La la la gooood!
(only because the presentation is nicer than other food)

And I came back with.... Chicken Curry Katsu. Hahahhaahahahhaa WTF right! they sell this in my canteen for HALF the price of what I paid for there. But then this is where Marketing comes into place... I'm paying for the enviroment and service that Canteen 14 does not provide. Hhaha I'm gonna ACE it. Anyway, since Canteen 14's tastes the same as this one I say its edible. The only up side, it has more chicken and the chicken is NICER - not so fatty!

Piggy #1 came back with....

CHA SO BA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahahaha. I love love love! We shared the chicken curry katsu and this. Ahhh its soooo good. I totally miss it. This was cold noodles btw. And I prefer this compared to the hot one. I totally miss this and I looooove it sooo much!!!! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ORGASMIC!! Too bad they didn't give raw quaill egg to put into the 'sauce'. Because that's the only time I eat quaill eggs anyway. LOL!

This would be Julz putting the buckwheat noodles into the sauce and stirring it awhile

Japanese Dumpling!!!! Ooooo soooo nice! Its kind of like 'har gao' (the prawn dimsum). Except this one, the filling was made with prawns AND pork. And its SUPER juicy! I call it, LOVE LOVE LOVE! Its good. Especially with the sauce they give. However, I still prefer dim sum. Speaking of which, I miss cheap dim sum! ARGH! Heck, like I've even tried dim sum here lah!!!

Love birds! hahaha

Sangaria. Its orange juice, with pulp. I like orange juice with pulp. And this is imported from Japan as you probably guessed. However, it tasted like aeroplane orange juice. Hahaha - if you get what I mean. But I doooo love orange juice with pulp!!! La la la goooood!

Noodles that Bel got. Hmm, no idea how it tasted like. :P Just took a bad picture of it

Spring Onion, Wasabi and Sesame seed that was supposed to go into the cha so ba. But knowing Julz and I, we left it out... ON PURPOSE!

Edamame... Ahhh, bliss. Its soooo good. I can snack on this everyday. Its just soooo nice. Especially when freshly steamed and salted. YUMMY!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ORGASMIC!

And then we messed around with my useless phone...

Fat 'Naut! Hahaha

Bunny freak.

Devil Julz. OH COME ON!!! Like that angel thing can fool us. Hahahha!

Bel enjoying her food.

Mum DEFINITELY enjoying her food. She's gonna kill me if she ever sees this. =P

And then we left, to go back home with our tummys filled and our shirts stretched. =D

The queue after we paid. LOL! Crazy!! And that btw, is NOT ALL.

We were SOOOO satisfied!

OK HOLD UP!!! You should know me better by now!!!

So long as there is a buffet or whatever, there's bound to be dessert so long as I'm the one dining. ARGH!!! So yes, there WAS dessert and boy it was GOOD!!!

Cookies Cheesecake. SOOOOO good. The cheese part was dense and light. Hahhaa, don't get what I mean, its a mix of both. Kind of in between but leaning towards the light side. Its soooooo good. I loooved this! I now regret not going for seconds, but then again its SGD4.80!!! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ORGASMIC!

btw, John and Yin Chau had the original cheesecake. And apparently its good too. So... go try!!

Whilst eating the edamame, John was playing around and I swear he did not reposition the beans. He just squeezed them out and it came out like that. Sorry, did not rotate the picture. TURN HEAD TO LEFT if you cannot see how weird/freaky that is!!

And as some of you know how "lucky" I am when it comes to food. RIGHT RIGHT!??!?! Well here's another CLASSIC examples.

I ordered Chuka Curage - which is seasoned jellyfish. And its sooooo good. Then suddenly, I eat eat eat and I found HAIR... OMFG!!! Why does this always happen to ME!?!?! remember to WORM/CATERPILLAR in my vege? Hmm, I didn't BLOG about it, but its in Facebook... so just a reminder...

So back then, the GM of the HOTEL!!! Yes he came down to look around, and we stopped him and showed it to him. And he gave everyone free teh tarik... compliments on him and his apologies.... as well as 2 people ate FREE!!! Wahahaha. Awesomeness!!! (but before all that... LMAO, he said its more organic...)

So what did the Manager of Shokudo do? Well he was absolutely NICE as well. He apologized SOOO much, and then offered to give us another serving... but the thing is, I had no appetite already after seeing that, and when you order it, they scoop it out from a dish... so yeah lah. GELI! So we said, can he just cancel the order. and he did just that. I love people like that.

Well it always happens to ME! WHY AH WHY!!!! So long as its not... cockroaches or cicaks can already. haahaha later I jinx myself. X.X

Anyway, after our really good dinner, we went back to Suntec to take a bus back home. And on the way, Jacobson showed me what a "Sharingan" is!!! LOL!!! If you want to know, as me on MSN, because I know someone will merajuk if I post it here. hahaha.

The little brat showing me how to do it whilst walking. LOL!

Btw if you did not notice, I have a rating system for the food.
BOLD indicates the dish name
ITALICS indicates the rating

So far there are...
HORRENDOUS : just as it says. Did not enjoy it AT ALL. Presentation does not count in this matter
Edible : its ok. Nothing to rave about.
La la la goooood! : above average. Maybe give it a try if you want.
I call it, LOVE LOVE LOVE! : must order!
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ORGASMIC! (or something along that line) : NO Questions asked, even if you are stuffed to the max, you NEED to try this. Your life is not complete if you don't try it!!!

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 3:56 AM | 2 has delicate hands

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lamb Stew and 3-cheese mushroom pasta bake
Hmmm, weekends are the BEST. Especially when I don't stay in NTU... almost every weekend it seems. Hahaha. Love the atmosphere here (not NTU), the kitchen that I've gotten so used to moving around in. Awesome!!! I will make a pretty good housewife. Hahaha

I put this as my MSN nickname "Lamb Stew and 3-Cheese Mushroom Pasta Bake. Ohhh, don't you wish you can marry me" And I've never talked to SO many people at once. Shit! I should have print screened. Hahaha It was sooooo funny, first time I see people willingly say they'll marry me. Lol, but with a catch, for the food. LOL! Oh and Whei Yeap's "not really, I wish I can hire you instead" LOL!!!! (apparently I'm too high a price to marry... SUAK!)

Back to my cooking.

Ingredients for the 3-cheese mushroom pasta bake.
Spiral pasta, fresh milk, mushrooms, parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese, mozarella cheese (THREE CHEESE WHAT!) and Campbell's Cream of Mushroom.
A DAMN EASY DISH! Should try if you have access to an oven.

Cook the pasta, drain the water. Add all the other ingredients, and stir well. Yes including the cheese. Reminder: do not sprinkle parmesan shaves at the top, if you want, mix it in well. If not when you bake it, it'll turn out to be like roasted pork skin. Hahaha HARD, but its nice lahhhh! Depends lah, your taste. My advice is the parmesan if you want to add it, add it in before you put in the oven and mix it well. And also add the parmesan once you remove from the oven and its hot. YUM!!!CHEEEESSSSEEEEE!

After that, put it in the oven at 200 degrees Celcius for about 20 minutes or until you see the cheese melt and the top layer is a dark yellow with slight brownish areas.

Food for four.

Hmmm YUMMY!!!! Eat it with the lamb stew. *grins*

Minta-maaf (ahhh its all Chris' fault... I'm so MALAY now! haha) sorry for the over-exposed picture. John said "use flash" and ta-dah! hahaha. Btw, all pictures using my K800i camera phone. My faithful camera went bonkers on me... Another post on that.

See what I mean by the parmesan cheese becoming like roasted pork skin. Hahaha but it was good k!! Yummmmmy!

Now for the lamb stew. Ahhh, can't beat dad's lah! But well I think this was just a trial run. Need to get dad's recipe. Online recipes SUCKS!!! Hahaha.

Carrot, celery and onions. Potatoes were missing. Lazy to carry ok!

I had to trim off the fat. YUCK!!!! That is SO much!!! Hahaha

I chose to use boneless lamb shoulder. Well duh! its a stew, you wouldn't want to have bones right!!!

Sorry, its so blur! hahaha. basically this one was not a fantastic dish, but it fills the tummy. oh and it goes sooo good with pasta. There's chicken broth (in the cup), a can of diced tomato (I shall omit this next time and just have spices... follow dad's recipe!), then the vegetables, a lemon (shall omit this too), some garlic and the lamb which has been lightly floured with flour, salt and pepper. I still dont think this is the lamb stew I'm looking for. But it's a meal. Hahaha

Looks like tomato soup right? Hahahaha NO ok! its the diced tomato that gives off this colour. And like I said, its perfect with pasta/spaghetti.

You let it simmer and it'll thicken and look like... Jun Yen says Curry! LOL!

Well that's all. Didn't have any food at all, until this. LOL! So worth it. I have a feeling I'll scurry into the kitchen at midnight for some cheese on crackers. Yummmmy! got so much cheese. Wahahha. Happyyyyy!

Toodles. Go drool and wish you can marry me. Hahaha you'll have an awesome father-in-law who cooks AWESOME dishes, be it chinese or western. Tata


The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 6:45 PM | 0 has delicate hands