I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

Zang Toi West 57th St. Cafe, Pavilion KL
I don't know what this is called
Aseana Cafe Bar @ KLCC
Chocolat World
CNY reunion dinner
Welcome Home!
Sick Food (literally)
What's for dinner and lunch?
Must eat back home
What a day!

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Meiji Chocolate
Before I start, there's an update in my food blog. =D

Anyway, I'm about to go on and on about the wonder of Meiji White Chocolate. And behold, my super power. I can make anyone's mouth water. I swear! I'm not kidding. Be it my words you read, or the words coming out of my mouth. I can make your mouth water, and that, I am NOT KIDDING! (Behold my powers! Wahhahahaha, maybe not now. that I'll leave to another post)

You must be wondering... why is this chocolate thingy not in my food blog? Well, it WILL BE! Just hold on a moment. It will be there, but its also here because I'm about to show you how stupid/idiotic/cheeky/naughty/sly my lil brother is.

One lovely piece from the big bar.

The whole thing before its opened. On my lovely NEW(!!!) white Nike tote bag. The one and only I have. I'm in love with Nike's tote bags la!!!

You may INDULGE. I did. I only ate one row in one particular day. And nicely re-wrapped the remaining of the bar. hell, there was A LOT! There was more than one-sixteenth left... A LOT MORE!!! So I kept it in my bag for later (or rather, another day).

I decided to be nice to my little brother and decided to give him some chocolate after... two days. I was savoring the chocolate. Anticipation! Holding back, so that I can slowly enjoy it and not feel so guilty.... (Fat la! hehe)

So I hand him the remaining of what was left.... Its practically the WHOLE thing, minus the first row. I hand it to him whilst watching TV. I was so into the TV programme, and I guess he was too. And then when there was an advertisement. I turned over to my little brother and saw him doing this....

He bloody scrunched up the wrapper and was throwing it up and down. I swear!!! I didn't shout at him, only UNTIL after I took the picture. =P Grrr! MY CHOCOLATE =(

The insides of my bag. hehe For the bloody fun of it la

I took the wrapper back and asked, "why you finish all?" his replied, "I dont know, you give it to me to eat so I finish it." soooo damn geram. Wanted to cucuk him with a big big needle. My chocolate...in him tummy. GRRR

So I decided to keep the wrapper for memory sakes. The time when Jacobson CONNED MEEEE!!! ='(

My sad sad face.

And yes, to prove my point, and remember why I'm actually keeping the wrapper... I wrote on it.

My lil bro, so damn kacau. One of my favourite chocolates. Or rather... one of the ONLY few chocolates I eat... He finishes it for me. Grrr! SO damn geram. This happened awhile back. But even now when I think of it I wanna laugh, but also so geram. Irritated. Grrr!

Btw, Meiji White Chocolate... is one of THE BEST, I have eaten. Well I really do like it. And I do love WHITE chocolates A LOT!!! Anything with out any sort of nuts. =D

Anyway. That's all. =D Good night and toodles!

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 9:57 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Stuffed Chicken
I bought this from a charity event, food and fun fair, at a temple. The whole point of the event was to raise money for this thing called Educare. This Educare helps the poor and needy students with school supplies, such as uniforms, shoes, stationery and school bags. Anyway, back on topic, my aunt past by this stall selling Thai Stuffed Chicken Wings, and of course, that appealed to people as its something unheard of. (Oh, how creative we can get with food). She bought two pieces and took a bite. She then came looking for my sisters and I, and we all took a bite. From then onwards, we bought and bought quite a lot. Eating for ourselves at the fair, and then deciding to buy some back for my little brother.

And this doesn't cost cheap. RM5 for ONE PIECE!!!! But then again, its for charity and the seller didn't profit a single cent. So we spent about RM100 on that stall. =P *malu*

I present to you the crispy, delicious stuffed chicken wings.

Time to bite in and give you a look.

You can see the chicken meat... and hold, NO BONES!?!?! Yes, no bones. There's chicken meat, the stuffing and bones have been removed. (except at the pointy wing part).

If I'm not mistaken, the stuffing... has chili (duh!), cumin, some spices to give that authentic Thai taste and lemon grass (serai). Its all mashed up together and then stuffed into the boneless chicken before being fried.

Good snack! Hehehe.

Pretty tasty as well. =D

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 9:20 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lemon Grass Cafe, Shangri-La
Last night, I went to Shangri-La for dinner. It was the Buka Puasa dinner. Not bad. Not bad. Quite nice. Full house ok. Anyway, pictures for your pleasure.

I absolutely LOVE the colour. So bright and bold

Prawn cocktail, with some tomato based sauce.. and get this: CAVIAR!!!! @#%&!
Not bad eh... Pay so much and get to eat Caviar... although it is my first time. haha
My appetizer. Salad with Caesar dressing, Brinjal/Eggplant - italian style and squid.

Julz picks from people's plate.

Enjoying his lamb. Hahahaha

Ah, just for you. =) Its quite nice actually.

Some Italian carbo with cheese dish, with some olive oil. *yummmy!*

O.O I absolutely LOVE this. Loads of cheese. its not really macaroni. Some Italian thing. Its absolutely delicious. I want moreee.. but jelat.

clockwise from top: Lamb with mint sauce, roti canai, pizza and salmon... yummy

Get a load of that thing at the top left. its absolutely delicious. Its pasta with some sauce and baked with loads and loads of cheese!!!!! Its delicious.

Ahhh.. FOOD!!!!!! I like

Mum enjoying the Lamb and Prawn Redang/Curry.

Sushi. Salmon Sashimi... and ABALONE!!!!!!! I'm serious!!! well, I think its abalone... definitely TASTES like abalone. But according to my dad, its some shellfish, and my sister even better - MUSHROOM! Sigh. But it really tasted like abalone. I'm standing my ground... ABALONE!!!!!

Bel like got something she wants to spit out. Julz taking the sushi off MY PLATE.

No points for guessing who's belly that is. =)

Hahahahahhahahahaa LOOK AT DADDY!!!!!!!! I love this shot. =D I'm PROOO!

My parents enjoy desserts. My dad especially. Its no wonder I have that particular gene. =)

Ahh, desserts! I live for desserts. *drools* Go go drool all over your keyboard and start licking the monitor. I give you permission. Clockwise from bottom left, Chocolate base cake with vanilla meringue on the top with some cocoa powder and chocolate syrup. Not my fav due to the nuts in it. Cheesecake!!!!!! I'm telling you! This is definitely one of the BEST I've ever had in my life... so far at least. hehehe. its sooo soft and moist. And it really really LITERALLY melts in your mouth. I love it!! Creme Bleu. I love creme bleu. Really I do. I'm dying to learn to make soooooo much desserts. hahaa

Candid. Flash too bright. She blinks!!!!! hahaha and the retarded brother. =D Gosh I love having dinner with them. (Johnnnn! Where are you!?!?!?)

Look! It was all on my plate and they stole it... Sobs!

The desserts I picked out.. MORE MORE MOREEEEEE! Out of a whole whole corridor of variety. Clockwise from the yellow colour one. Raisin and Apricot Pudding. Not that bad, but I prefer bread and butter pudding. Strawberry tart. Yummmm! Brownie. So damn hard. Hahaha Juliana asked me to take it for her that's why. And my favourite of all. Chocolate Fudge Cake... *Drrooooolss* its seriously deliciously chocolatety.

Chocolate Fudge Cake. Yummmy! Lookie, soooooooo moist. The chocolate cake seriously melts in your mouth. I'm craving for moreeeee! Just like Chili's Chocolate Molten Cake. *Drooooools*

Sleepy heads.

Gangsters la. Look at Jacobson's face

Dad's candid shots are always the "best"

Retards enjoying strawberry. Look at the big mouth... that wont stop moving. =P

After we all were pretty filled, us sisters + lil bro decided to be camwhores. And that's what we were. hahaha Getting stares from the table behind, in front and at our sides. used another camera, so I havent uploaded yet. but that would more likely go into my personal blog. hahaha No food in that. =P

A little low ratings.
Food - 6.5/10
Service - 5/10
Ambiance - 7.5/10

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 8:15 PM | 0 has delicate hands