I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

My Chili
Palace of the Golden Horses - Carousel
Meiji Chocolate
Stuffed Chicken
Lemon Grass Cafe, Shangri-La
Have you ever!?!?
Blue Italian and Seafood Restaurant
Piccolo Mondo
Malaysian Food
Jogoya & Spaghetti

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fit for a King
I had lunch today at Tai Thong Grand Restaurant, Wisma Selangor Dredging. Its opposite KLCC, a different block from British Council and IDP.

After college, I went to meet up with my parents. My dad had already ordered whilst waiting for me. When I arrived, I spotted one of my favourite dim sum dishes. I eyed it for awhile, before deciding to take a seat with my parents. Hmm, whilst waiting for the food I decided to get that dish I was eying. Its delicious. "wu tau" or " yùtóu jiǎo" or taro dumpling. For the record, taro is actually YAM!!!!!!! I was searching for the 'official' name of it, and got soooo annoyed when I couldn't find it. After realising that taro is actually yam, I got it right. The pictures are not pictures taken by me, I took it off the web. I didn't have my camera with me so yea... =P

Taro dumpling or "wu tau" or " yùtóu jiǎo" is actually a kinda of Chinese pastry. Its main filling is pork with some sauce. Green peas and mushrooms are optional. The outer coat is made of yam which is then deep-fried. Its pretty oily and we all know that I don't particularly favour oily food. But I always make a very special exception for this. *drools*

After that came the Shark's Fin Soup. My dad ordered the Shark Fin Soup with Ginseng. There was no 'ajinomoto' and it was clear soup - NO STARCH!!!! Yeah!! I'm not actually a big fan of shark's fin. I do find it a cruel thing to do to animals. Chop the fin and then throw the shark back into the sea. That's pure cruelty. I do refrain from shark's fin quite often. But when there are special occasions, I do eat it. Let's just make it clear that I DO NOT support the cruelty. I mean yes, I can always choose not to have it. And I do actually do that most occasions. But if I were to be a strong supporter of "Stop Cruelty to Animals" I'd be a vegetarian.

Anyway, I didn't really want it. But not gonna lie and say that I hate it completely. I just feel that I, well my parents, could save the money instead.

There was also steamed fish. But I'm not too sure what fish it was. Anyhow, yes, there was abalone. Not exactly like this. It was braised abalone, with tofu and broccoli. The tofu was absolutely DELICIOUS! The texture was a little rough on the outside but inside was absolutely soft and omg! it kinda melted in my mouth. Yes, tofu kinda melted in my mouth. *droools* I loved it soooo much. The abalone was a little tough and well it's meant to be chewy right?

See why I said it was fit for s King?

Btw, if you must know, the bill came up to RM752. I was actually planning to pay because it was my parent's wedding anniversary. But I didn't know my parents ordered such luxurious food. I swear I nearly fainted when I saw the bill. It was for THREE people.... Sigh... Hahhaha, but its a once a year thing. LOL!

Not bad lunch. Definitely enjoyed the lunch out alone with my parents. =D

Food - 8.5/10
Service - 8.5/10
Ambiance - 8/10

Quite high ratings ok!!! My dad knows the chef and managers, so yea, the food and service has extra marks. well they did service us well. =D

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 9:00 PM | 0 has delicate hands