I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

Brek @ Changi Airport (Terminal 2)
Tony Roma's
Jacobson's birthday Lunch
My cravings and Non-cravings
More Food! Actually Hot Chocolate!
Donut Empire
Food food CREAM PUFFS!
FOOD! (Japanese Edition!)
Fit for a King

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Night of extremes

Remember the night I went out with quite a lot of MSA members. For steamboat. And then after that I went to Hooters and then went for the GMAX? Well, here are the pictures.


Hooters Shot. I don't know what I was thinking... Hahaha. Its fine when I looked at the beer and lemon. Then tobasco and tomato sauce... can live with it... but then the...


OYSTERS!?!?!?! No no NO!!!! Sick sick sick!!! In case you don't know, oysters ARE NOT AN APHRODISIAC!!! Its freaking disgusting. It makes me want to PUKE! Hahaha. I seriously DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING!!! Hahaha.


Here's how its prepared. First goes the tobasco. Brrr


Then the lemon. I don't mind. I love lemon and anything. Hahaha. Yum!


Then its stirred. VIGOUROUSLY and you have THIS. Looks alright right? Wait for it.


Here comes the devil. FREAK!!!! Yuck!


Can you see it? In the first left glass... The oyster is just floating there. Like what the hell right?


And its ready to... eat? swallow? drink? Whatever floats your boat. For me its... gulp. Hahaha.


As you can see, I didn't have the guts to swallow the oyster. I swear whilst I was drinking it I was waiting for the oyster to just come. Faster just get in my mouth and I'll freaking swallow it. But noooo! It didn't. It had to linger around in the glass, and when I was nearly done with the liquid, it still didn't come. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! I was brave and daring enough to take the god damn oyster in my mouth... But I guess the oyster didn't want. So what to do? Leave it lah. I wasn't gonna eat the oyster on its own. SICK!!! Hahaha. I only eat oysters when its cooked with egg... Get this - C.O.O.K.E.D! Hahaha and even then I put loads of chili sauce.


Its freaking taunting ME!!! Hahaha.

Anyway someone else had it. Bleeeeuk!

The liquid was a concoction of Tiger beer, lemon and tobasco. They didn't put the tomato sauce. I THINK! Anyway, it was good. It was fiery. Seriously!!! It was good! I liked it a lot.

And its surprising, because I do not like beer. But it being mixed like that... not bad. Quite interesting. It beats beer on its own! hahaha.

After that, Hooters shut down on us. Freaking hell, what's wrong with them? Hmm. Well, like I said before. Hooters in Singapore SUCKS!!! Never gonna go there again, even if my life depended on it. Let them hire some big-breasted women first... or at least some who HAS breast. HAHAHAHAHA!

Blahhh! Shut up. I'm allowed to check girls out TOO ok. AND have opinions. Its TRUE lah ok!!!

Anyhooooo. After Hooters, walked around and then decided to go on the Reverse Bungy and the Ultimate Swing. *grins*

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 10:11 PM | 0 has delicate hands