I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

Tony Roma's
Jacobson's birthday Lunch
My cravings and Non-cravings
More Food! Actually Hot Chocolate!
Donut Empire
Food food CREAM PUFFS!
FOOD! (Japanese Edition!)
Fit for a King
My Chili
Palace of the Golden Horses - Carousel

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Sunday, August 3, 2008

OK before I start, I just cooked some Maggi and put in some wantons. YUMMY! And wait, I know some of you are like, WTF? So much time to make wantons?? Well, people smart ok! I take whatever in the fridge and cook. And there was wantons from John's steamboat yesterday. So yea, its appetizing! *grins* Knowing how hard it has been for me to get used to Singapore food... Hahaha. Maggi is a taste of HOME! ;)

Now, steamboat. Let's start with Thursday night, I went to Bugis for steamboat. With seniors (ahh, no Alicia, no special ones. Hahahaha!) and freshmen. I was the only Rysian there. O.o. Honestly, I think the steamboat SUCKS!!! hahaha, come on, I've voiced out before.... I hate Singapore food. Because its cleaner! Hahahaha!!!! No no!!! Just like before, I've said. If there is ONE thing that worries me the most when I'm here is the food. Hahaha, my taste buds have reached places and are searching for food that is par with it. Sadly, its all in Malaysia and Europe. *grins* No need for myself to wonder why my jeans have gotten looser. LOL!!! Seriously lah! And add all that walking. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need food food... Wait, REPHRASE!!! GOOD FOOD!

OK ok! back on track... Bugis steamboat was alright. Reasonable if you don't convert. SGD18. All you can eat. Well, I think it was more of the company that made things worthwhile. It mostly always is. Food can suck, and I will complain (you can bet on that!) but the company is what matters. So I had fun. After steamboat, some... seniors, didn't want to go back yet. And some couldn't decide. In the end, a few of us (me included... I'm happening - apparently... HAHAHAHA. self praise is no praise... I KNOW!) headed to Clarke Quay. Walked and walked and then headed to Hooters. Beer - BLEUK!!! I've said before... I don't like beer. In fact, not a fan of alcohol, but I do drink. Just I rather dance and have fun then drink. ;) No point in getting drunk - because I'll only be a fool yea? Hahaha. Hooters in Singapore... OMFG!!! Wait, let me get to that later. So one of the graduated seniors, Shaun, decided the Hooters Shot. DAMN GROSS! Wait, pictures will be up when I upload (or rather, when I get my laptop back). Basically the shot is a concoction of (BRACE YOURSELF!) beer, ketchup, lemon juice, tobasco *mix mix* and an oyster. BLEUK!!! You know I hate oysters. I HATE HATE HATE!!! BENCI BENCI BENCI!!! TAO YAN TAO YAN TAO YAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yes, I drank the liquid part, but didn't gulp the oyster. Seriously would have puked la! So many times I look at oysters and want to put in my mouth.... something defies gravity and travels up my oesophagus. *grins* I hope noone just had their meal or going to eat. Lol... or better yet, eating whilst reading my blog. Want me to be more graphic. BECAUSE I CAN!!!!!!!!!! Hehe. BUT I'm not that evil.

After that, just walked and then decided to GMAX!!! I'm officially making it a verb. Hahaha. Here is what it is (CLICK CLICK!!!) DAMN GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to bring Jessebel lah! Juliana would chicken out.. She'll say "I just ate" Hahahahaha LMAO!!! Jacobson wouldn't. Mum and dad... LMAO! As if! John??? Hmm, still don't know. I doubt though.

OK OK!!! Man, need to stop getting so sidetracked. Now, we went on two rides (Ethan, Shaun and I). We went on the GMAX - The Ultimate Bungy and the GX-5 Xtreme Swing. Had a pretty good deal as well. SGD40 for each person for both rides. DAMN NICE!!!!!!!!! The GMAX bungy is where you are basically catapulted into the sky. And whilst you are sitting in an open air capsule, you spin. So you see the sky and ground. And you spin 360 degrees vertically all on a bungy cord. Its quite weird. Hahaha, sometimes you don't know which is the top and bottom, or where your head is. Hahaha. And you are doing that for awhile. Its feels quite long when you are up there. But once you touch the ground.. You'll be like... TOO SHORT LAH!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha. Videos and pictures up when I upload. LAPTOP BABY TORRES FASTER RECOVER!!!!!!!

The GX-5 Extreme Swing is like The Viking Ship. EXCEPT WAY BETTER. You will spin horizontally 360 degrees. You are sitting again in an open air capsule, then you are lifted slowly into the air. Quite high actually. And basically you're standing on air, because you are soooo lifted off your seat and if it wasn't for the safety belts, I would have fallen la. So you can imagine. There's no way to seat down, you'll defy gravity! Hahaha. And this one was lagi shock because there's a lever and someone who's with you up there will push it down and that's when you free fall. And it was Shaun (the very old "senior" hahaha) And up there we were messing around for awhile. Apparently we were up there for quite long. But to me it was pretty short. Hahaha, because there was such a great adrenaline rush. And then Shaun was messing around. I was pretty freaked out. Because if he presses the lever, then we go. Hahaha. I kept telling him to wait for awhile, and he kept messing around. And then suddenly... WHOOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! it was sooo good. It was only really scary the first fall, after that slowed down.

Quite fun!!! must go must go! I'd go again. HAHAHAHAHA! This time I want to press the lever. WAHAHAHA!

So after that went back to NTU by cab.

OK now, Hooters in Singapore. I was shocked they had a Hooters here. And lagi shocked that they couldn't pick better girls. First off, they aren't pretty. Second off, they aren't hot. Thirdly... THEY ARE FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha. SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a girl... I KNOW! LOL! And then... they close quite early. =.=""" No point going lah. Not the REAL Hooters experience. HAHAHAHA! Too flat for guys... trust me! hahaha.

Next day... off to City Hall area with seniors after lunch at canteen A. Then I headed off to Orchard to meet Aunty Linda (the one whom I stayed with in Beijing) had steamboat... O.O! hahaha. Then I came back home (bro's place). He was having a party for... end of internship. LOL! And guess what food... STEAMBOAT!!!!!!! Sick sick sick!!!

then woke up today, John went off to the airport to head back to KL. I went out to meet Aunty Linda at Havelock Road. Err, Grand Corpthorne Waterfront Hotel, so help out pack some party bags for a charity event for the Down Syndrome Association in Singapore. I think. And then we had buffet lunch at the hotel. Hmm, good good! Hehehe. Then went to Suntec to have a look. After that headed to Aunt Bernie's place (Aunty Linda's friend) and hang around until about 8pm. Had porridge for dinner, dropped Aunt Linda and Nadine off at the airport and then dropped me off at Tampines MRT.

Then I returned home. SIGH! I'm home alone. John's in KL, Jun Yen won't be back for the night. Nevermind. Hahaha...

OK lah. Come tomorrow and the next week... no updates. Most likely, cause no laptop. :( SHIT LAH!!! Damn freaking UPSET!!!

Off to bed now.

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 1:19 AM | 0 has delicate hands