I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

Sakura - Anticipating Japan
Eating Weekend
Lamb Stew and 3-cheese mushroom pasta bake
Food Food!
12.09.08 - 13.09.08
Dinner with John and Yin Chau
Dinner at Mr Chen's
Beach Road Prawn Noodle House
Snacks and Supplement
Not Satisfied

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ahhh farrrk!
Julz, the title is for you! (inside joke)

Ahhhhh, I'm suddenly craving for CENDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(

And and.... ROJAK! Not mee rojak... Not mango rojak...

The one at the roadside, where the vendor uses his hands to cut ingredients, shave ice for the cendol and then collect money. Yes that one. The one that used to be at Jalan Titiwangsa. WHERE YOU GO MISTER CENDOL/ROJAK MAN!?!?! I miss you!!! *sobs*

I want rojak and cendol.

*droooolssss* I'm going to start a Must Eat Food Back Home list.


The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 12:01 AM | 0 has delicate hands