I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

Zang Toi West 57th St. Cafe, Pavilion KL
I don't know what this is called
Aseana Cafe Bar @ KLCC
Chocolat World
CNY reunion dinner
Welcome Home!
Sick Food (literally)
What's for dinner and lunch?
Must eat back home
What a day!

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jacobson's birthday Lunch

A few days back, 26th June, was Jacobson's 10th birthday. The poor kid had school. Poor kid was bullied by me whole day. =)

Hahaha. Just messing. Got him a water gun and he is LOVING it. Got him a deformed Gundam model, and he is fixing it. Those were from John and I. My dad gave me RM200 to get him a present. I spent RM51 and kept the rest. Hahaha I am kidding! I got him a WWE magazine, a limited edition. And the June issue of the WWE magazine. Of course, I read it first. Hahaha. Well its from my dad. But I should have kept some of the money huh? Hahaha.

Anyway, didn't celebrate much with him as he was in school, and we were leaving to Korea at night. So we had to make do with a late lunch. We went to a favourite of mine. Milwaukee Steak Corner.

And then at night, ordered pizza and had Boston Cheesecake. Picture on that later.

Here are pictures from lunch at Milwaukee.


The kedongdong drink. Large.


Trying to show you how big it was. Damn! now that I think of it, I should have got Bel to put her face against the glass. =)


Their mushroom soup is the BEST!!! The bread that holds the soup is DELICIOUS as well. :)


Always will finish. And scrape the bread at the bottom. This is my mum's. If it was John's or mine... The whole bottom will be missing. Hahah, we did that at Swensen's in Singapore.


Escargot. Yummy Yummy! This wasn't too bad. Not that much cheese. If there was more, I wouldn't mind. Load of garlic though. I remember always eating at Sakura in Bukit Bintang, their escargots are delicious!!! Cheesy and garlicky. YUMMMMMY! Eat like the Italians!


Jessebel's lamb. Jacobson got the leg, Jessebel the shoulder and dad got tenderloin. It was all tough. Not as good as it usually is. I think the head chef went home as it was already 2.30pm.



And my chicken burger. Not too bad. But it was such a BIG portion. Especially for me. The burger was soooo thick. Hahaha. Had to eat it two layers at a time. Not too bad. But the patty was a little flaky. Is that what happens to chicken patties?


And if you would like to visit... =) Go ahead! I seriously recommend this place. I think value for money, because their portions are really huge. Oooohhhhh! Their fried chicken wings is also delicious.

Anyway, if you want the directions to the one in Balakong, I can give them to you. =)

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 11:42 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My cravings and Non-cravings

Who doesn’t love it right? Truth be told, I always loved food. Except for a chapter in my life where I was SKINNY. Yes, hard to believe huh? Hahahaha! But I was really skinny one time. And then, I went to an International school. And the food was good, and there was always a lot of running around and exercise. So I started eating. And haven’t looked back since.

I LOVE FOOD! I may not be the skinniest girl in a room, but I’m not the biggest either. Maybe the shortest ;) And just like most people (if not everyone) I still want to lose a little of weight.

Anyway, food food food! Love it. Cannot hate it. There’s so many things I like. Basically I eat ANYTHING, with the obvious exception of beef. OK, probably not OBVIOUS, but if you’ve hung around me long enough you might have realized it. No beef because of religion reasons. I was given a choice, with NO pressure, I just chose no beef.

So basically, you can give me anything and I would eat it. I’m quite adventurous with food. Love gourmet food. Got it from BOTH my parents. They both love eating and… guess all my siblings love it too. John I know loves food – but I guess high metabolism rate for him, so unfair! Julz loves food too, she confesses to everyone who bothers listening. Hahaha. Jessebel LOVE LOVE LOVES it. Also, would confess to me when she’s bored. Jacobson – a little picky but he will love it soon enough. And as for me, LOVE IT!!! Don’t confess to every single person I meet (like Julz)but I love it. The whole family loves sushi. Even the picky one. We L.O.V.E Japanese food. The Chan family loves it!!! Don’t be surprised that when we actually go on a trip to Japan we would put on 5kg each when we return. OR MORE! Hahaha. Ohhh, LOVE Indian food as well. ITALIAN! SPANISH! THAI THAI THAI!!! Basically we love a lot of cuisines, if we’ve tried it. Mum and dad loves eating as well.

Anyway, this is about ME! Lol. I eat anything. Except beef. Certain exotic foods are a NO-GO for me. And just some very few other food.

Please take note that some pictures are... a little (if not extremely) disturbing. I warned you!


I don’t eat snakes. I think its disgusting! My parents eat it when they are in China… I DON’T! Jessebel eats it. I don’t! Julz Doesn’t! John (I think) doesn’t! And Jacobson too. No no snake for me. My parents said the skin is crunchy. EEEEW!!! And well, they deep-fry the meat. Tastes like chicken they say. Even if it really DID taste like chicken… *shivers* at the back of my mind… it’ll always be SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE!!! So NO NO NO!!!!


NO WAY TO RABBIT MEAT! Noooooo! I think its cruel. The cute furry animals… Although they reproduce like bacteria, its disgusting to eat it! I mean don’t you think about the soft white fur and the nice long ears? Such cute animals and you put it in your mouth. SICK!


NO TURTLE/TORTOISE! No way!!! I know its in some Chinese cuisines, and I love Chinese food, but its just… no. I remember eating out with my god-dad and his friends when I stayed at his place, and they ordered it. I NEARLY ate it without knowing what it was. But his friend only knew the Chinese word for it. I thought it was sea cucumber, it looks like it but flatter. And then his friend said, NINJA TURTLE… and I quickly got it off my plate.


Dog meat. ARGH!!! I don’t get it. How can they do that? Fine if you are really really REALLY REALLY (times infinity) starving and there are only ONLY ONLY (times infinity again) dogs around you. FINE TO THAT! But people who find it yummy and eat it… YUCK!!! No way. I guess I’d rather DIE than eat dog meat. I have two lovely dogs at home, and they will forever be in my heart. So I’m never eating dog meat. Argh! Disgusting!!!


Tiger meat. NO! No such things are ever going in my mouth.


Monkey, ape or any primates… whether it’s the brain or whatever… JUST NO OKAY! Ok, if you believe in evolution (I do, to a certain extent) then you are only eating… yourself? Or what you came from. Humans evolved from the monkey family, so… you get the drift.

Blood. Those red blocks you find in the Pork Porridge at hawkers. I pass them to my parents. I don’t like it. Damn… yuck! The Chinese like it. Sorry, I DON’T! haha. Or any kind of blood for that matter. That’s why I never have anything raw. Haha. Not even steaks (when I ate it ages ago). Never half-cooked. ALWAYS 100% COOKED!!!! I just cannot imagine having BLOOD in my mouth. Unless its MY OWN blood.


Now this one may surprise you. Haha. I KNOW I SAID I LOVE JAPANESE FOOD! I know okay! But I don’t like sashimi. I only eat the white coloured ones. Has to be PLAIN white. Not even off white. Only WHITE WHITE. Like squid colour. Its just that the red ones are weird. I mean, it looks like raw meat… OK it IS! But then, its more obvious. And I don’t like it. Its funny how I imagine the taste of blood (that isn’t even mine)and squirm. I don’t even eat raw salmon. I need it at least smoked. That’s the nearest to raw salmon I’ll eat.

Skin. Chicken skin, fish skin, whatever skin. Big NO!!! You give me Kentucy Fried Chicken and I'll peel off the skin for you. I'll gladly pass it over. I know its juicy and full of flavour but its just something about it that I don't like. Like... its full of FAT!!! And not the good fats, the bad ones. And its oily!!! Especially fried ones. I don't like. You see me each raosted duck, also the skin will come off. It goes to my sibling's plate, and they are very happy. I know, roasted duck skin very crispy, I also try before... only when they wrap it - Peking Duck style. If not, you can expect to see me get away from it. I know, its very nice. And even the picture looks so appetising. But I just can't. Damn geli. I'll eat the meat though. ;)


Avocado. NO! I don’t eat it. Even though I eat any other sort of fruit/vegetables, avocadoes are just no for me. Fine if its in the Californian roll (normally I don’t pick it out). Its just the feeling in the mouth. The mushy feeling. I don’t mind mushy things – mashed potatoes, eggplants/brinjals, or whatever else. Just avocado is different. There’s no real way of cooking it except fresh or in salad. That’s the problem. If there was a way it was cooked then maybe it may not be so mushy? I don’t know. And there’s just no taste to it. Not sweet, not sour, not bitter. WHAT!?!?! Like water lah! Hehe.


Otak-otak. Or is it otah-otah? I know its fish paste wrapped in a leaf and cooked over a fire. But I just never liked it. I find it… funny tasting? I don’t know. I don’t eat it. Everyone else in my family does. So I let them. I just don’t like it. Not nice to me. Hahaha, maybe the name put me off… brains! Hahahaahaha. Nah, its not that, I just don’t like it. I HAVE tried it ok. I just don’t like.


NO PEANUTS! Or any other kind of nuts. Almond, macadamia, etc. No! I know its like super healthy, with all that essential oils and stuff. But I just cannot. I only can take cashew. That one I stomach. The other kind of nuts, OUT OUT OUT!!! Wonder how I eat those Ferero-Roches eh? Well… I very seldom eat it. I prefer the white ones (what they called?). And when I actually DO eat Ferero-Roches, I will pick out the nuts. YES I AM SERIOUS! Every single one. Hahaha. Quite picky in that sense. =P Future boyfriends/husbands better be aware of this. Hahaha.


Pineapples! Its not even funny. I may scream at you if you put pineapple in my food. CANNOT!!! Don’t like. It does funny things in my mouth. I don’t like the taste. I pick them out of EVERYTHING. Hahaha. YES even on the pizza. I don’t take pineapple juice, I don’t take pineapple at all! No way! So where does the pineapple I pick out of pizzas go? Hahaha. On my sister’s (Jessebel) or brother’s (John’s and Jacobson’s) pizza. Or put extra on what’s still not yet eaten. Less for Jacq, more for everyone else right? Haha

(ok, maybe the pineapple picture looks nice. I agree... more artistic and I wouldn't mind drawin/painting it...)

And now for the things I eat that some people just… can’t believe. Some you may be like aiyo, everyone eats it. Some you are just… WHAT!?!?! Especially if you aren’t Chinese. And some others… WHAT!?!!??!!?!? For anyone right? Hahaha.

There won't be pictures for this section because I think its best you dont get put off by food that I like. Hahhahaha.

Lady fingers. I know, that green slimy vegetable? Yes that very one! Its not bad. Especially cooked with dried shrimp sambal. Yum Yum! Or steamed, but not soft, and then eaten plain with soy sauce. Nice!!! I am serious! No kidding. Its really really nice. And plus, there’s loads of good fibres. Hahaha. Go try! ;)

The bitter-est of all vegetable, the almighty bitter gourd. So what if its bitter? That’s why its so unique. Of course I don’t like it SO SO bitter. You have to rub it with salt and then immerse it in water for awhile. Not for too long, you still want it to be a LITTLE bitter and crunchy. At my house, we cook with it garlic, egg and red chili. Really nice. Or bitter gourd soup. Yeap! Some pork bones and red dates together with the bitter gourd. The soup is not bitter. I assure you that. It’s a clear soup and really good. And then the bitter gourd won’t be bitter at all, and its soft. Then you eat it with soy sauce. Delicious! John, Julz, Bel and Jacobson hate it. Everyone else (parents and I) love it. Hahaha.

Eggplants/brinjal. Awww, so many ways to cook it. Yong Tau Fu, or in a clay pot with some fish paste and chili, or steamed until its soft and garnish it with fried onions, garlic and dried shrimp, or fried and then cooked with some chili paste. YUMMY TO THE MAX! Only Julz and Jacobson don’t eat it.

Frogs… a family favourite! Especially when at the “tai-chao” restaurant. Its cooked with a lot of pounded ginger. The kick you get after eating it. Your throat will be sooooo fresh. Then you drink some of the sauce. I have one bowl, because its good. Ginger is good, helps with wind. LOL! Not farting, the discomfort in the stomach and wind wherever else in your body. Whole family eats frogs. Yeap! Haha. I love it. But I hate the way the person at the wet market smacks the frog in the head, cuts a line and then uses a plier to strip the skin off. That’s so disgusting! Had to look away. Anyway, frogs are so much springy-ier than chicken. Really!

ESCARGOT! Aka SNAILS! Although lately, I’ve been cutting down on it. Don’t eat it when I get the chance like I normally do. Just feel funny about. So yea, been cutting down on it. Lol.

Snake of the sea… Eels! Of course the best way to cook it is JAPANESE style! With sweet sauce. And then have with steamed rice. That’s the best way. Can never go wrong with that. But I’m open to any other way. You don’t bother about the bones, that’s why I like it so much. Hahaha.

Stingray. I eat it, but don’t always get the chance to eat it. So when I can, I just eat. And its easy to eat, doesn’t have all those bones like normal fishes. It has bones, but you can bite them bones. And its easy to separate bones and meat.

Sea cucumbers. Hahaha you look at it and go WTF is that? Well, I know. I see it so many times and LOVE IT! Love how the Chinese restaurants cook it with broccoli. You gotta love it! The texture is tender. Easy to bite, but hard to get your teeth into it – if you don’t have a good grip on it. Hard to hold with your chopsticks but it is still manageable. Its soft. Most times. Sometimes shops sell it when it is HARD! Then you have to soak it in water and all. But its YUMMY!

Bird’s nest. OK! Honestly, I don’t think it is really a nest. Its not the nest that birds build with twigs and sticks. Rich men food. Hahaha. When I get the chance, I eat it. Its good for the skin, has collagen. So if you’re given it, DON’T COMPLAIN! Seriously! When we have it at home, its cooked with rock sugar and water in a slow cooker. IT IS YUMMY! And if you want more flavor, add pandan leaves. DELICIOUS! But then again, how often do I get a chance. Well savour it whilst you can!

You “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” and it stings you. Jellyfish!!! Love the way my dad does it during CNY. With salad leaves and century eggs. He mixes it with some white vinegar and sesame oil, and leaves it in the fridge. Oh so good! Or the way the Japanese do it. NICE! Or how the Chinese serve it … DELICIOUS!!! Jellyfish has to be served COLD!

Intestines, pork intestines. I love it in soups like bak kut teh. Or when they deep fry it and then garnish the pork porridge with it. YUMMY! I like it, but they have to be washed properly. If not, it’ll be smelly and just… not nice. Another way to cook it is with dried shrimps and garlic.

Fish eggs. Not caviar. Not the orangey ones you get on sushi. Just from the fish, and then the whole piece fried. Nice lah! But then… KNNCCB high in cholesterol. Its just an unique taste I guess. John, Bel and myself are fine with it. Plus my dad. Mum, not so sure. Ohh, pregnant fish. In Japanese restaurants, they fry the fish and then you squeeze lemon on it and eat. Yummy!

The blackest egg you can ever find century eggs. Oh yeah! Hahaha, guess its an acquired taste huh? Nice when its cooked in porridge. Or garnished with a cold dish with jellyfish. Or simply, this may surprise you, ON ITS OWN! Peel the skin (make sure you don’t touch, if not your hand will STINK, then cut it in four or six and EAT! Good. You don’t need sauce or anything. Haha surprised? I know some people who are so disgusted with this BLACK egg, even the yolk is not a nice yellow colour. A greenish-grey more like. And not like army green or anything, yucky green. Well, again, I say its nice and I like it. ;)

And I eat other normal things. Chicken, pork, fish (LOVE IT!), lamb, mutton, fruits and vegetables. Oh SOTONG! Squid, octopus… prawns and crabs (very seldom).

I’m still in the mix for durians. I remember I loved it when I was younger. Then I stopped eating it for awhile because we just didn’t buy it, and suddenly when I was served it again… I felt sick looking and smelling it. But lately, I don’t mind it that much. Although I hate it when we have leftovers and my family will put it in plastic containers and put it in the fridge. Then the whole fridge will stick. EVEN the plastic container AFTER you wash it a gazillion times. But I still don’t eat it.

Hope you can still eat after the pictures. hahaha


The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 11:24 AM | 0 has delicate hands