I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

Zang Toi West 57th St. Cafe, Pavilion KL
I don't know what this is called
Aseana Cafe Bar @ KLCC
Chocolat World
CNY reunion dinner
Welcome Home!
Sick Food (literally)
What's for dinner and lunch?
Must eat back home
What a day!

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Beach Road Prawn Noodle House

As you know, the family came down. And every time they come down, we're always pestering dad to bring us to eat the Beach Road Prawn Mee. Yum Yum!

So today, he finally DID! Hehehe. Anyway, it is two shop lots joined together and it is VERY busy on Sunday morning. Or lunch hour. But for us, we were lucky. 

DSC00763DSC00774Yes, you will WANT to go. *grins*

Photos photos! Hahaha.


As soon as my mum saw my camera facing her, she adjusted her hair etc, and it took SO long. So what happened? I snapped after waiting for Bel to prepare herself... But I guess she wasn't prepared. Nvm, Candid?

 DSC00765Jacobson and John.

 DSC00766Jacq and Jacobson. Hahahahaha.

 DSC00767 Spoilt photo... ahemJohnahem

DSC00769 I got bigger eyes! Bleuk!

DSC00770 Wait and wait for the food.

DSC00772 Julz normal photo taking pose. And my used to be photo taking pose. LOL! I look back to quite a few pics taken in FIS - NO SMILE!!! Exactly like THIS ok. Hahhaa. Nvm, still prettty what! :P

DSC00775 In the midst of talking. Hmm, I always snap pics of dad with his mouth open. TALKATIVE!!!

DSC00776 "Don't need take my picture, I know I'm pretty"

DSC00771 Legs Legs. Hahaha. Random I KNOW!

DSC00778 I deleted a picture where Julz looked quite nice and I looked OK, and this is how she merajuk. Purposely close her eyes.LOL!!! but you know WHAT??? her eyes are normally this small ANYWAY!!! So its OK =P

Now TIME For the Food!


Pork ribs and... tail? I don't know. The soup was AMAZING!!! Like Bak Kut Teh, but NOT Bak Kut Teh.


Ahem! S$10.80 per bowl. DO NOT MESS!!! But then there's like 5prawns. Noodle portion a little small. BUT then you have like 5 BIG prawns. Noodle was nice, the yellow noodles in Singapore taste different from Malaysia's. I prefer the one here, because less chemical taste/smell. Anyway the Prawn Noodles has tauge, some kangkung, fried shallots, special chili sauce and some black sauce.

Ok, you can order the S$4.50 per bowl noodles. But my dad being my dad, will order the S$10.80. The cheaper one tastes the same, just smaller portion. Not as many prawns and prawns are smaller.

Each bowl of noodle is accompanied with a bowl of soup. Basically it has the prawn base. Of course you can have the soup Prawn Noodle if you wish, but I prefer the dry one. The noodle with soup? GO KL EAT Better!Hehe


As you can see, SATISFACTION! Hahaha.

To be honest, my dad can cook this as well. Its pretty similar but I still like this. Got a difference between my dad's and this, but the difference is not that obvious. But it IS for me... gourmet taste bud what! =P


Grrr! Julz and my prawn shells.


DO NOT SAY THIS LOOKS LIKE ME!!! Hahaha. Lol. I know some people will say that I look like her A LOT.. Haha. >.<


HAHAHAHAHA! Jacobson's BIG Michael Phelps ears =P


We then went to Suntec. Shopped a little. Got a new Nokia phone for Jacobson. Not that special. And Julz got a KNNCCB iPod Classic. 80GB. ARGH! I don't care. So pissed off. But whatever. I'm aiming for the iPod Touch. That's it... no more good food. Stick to canteen food.... Save MONEY to get it. *grins*

And then we went to Tony Roma's, so that Dad could try it. He LOVED it. Hahaha

Oh yea, YOU people were right. There is Tony Roma's in KL at Pavillion. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT!?!?! This one I TOLD YOU SO!!! NO PORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha. told you so. Told you so!!! Hahahhahahahahhahahaha. LMAO!!! I know Malaysia TOO well.


And this is the longest french fry I've ever seen. Hahaha. and you would probably have ever seen in your life! Hahaha.


Toodles. back at NTU tomorrow morning, the advantage of NTU being near TUAS... hahahahaha =P

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 10:18 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Snacks and Supplement
My LOVE. The one who accompanies me when I'm studying. FUCKING love HIM! And and!!! He is SUCH an obsession. And he's ANG MOH TOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahaha. Shit! I wished I could see your reactions. I know you all will be like.... *speechless*

I crap so much right. Well its TRUE la. This time its true! I seriously LOVE him. And I'm sure it goes both ways. Satisfaction and obsession. When you get both, you KNOW you've fallen.

Well, shall I introduce??? WAHAHAHAHA. Yes yes.

His name is Kettle. And he makes me HAPPY!

Wahhahaha. Sorry. Like I said, this blog is very SELF entertaining. Self meaning author =P

See even accompany through OB. Damn happy!!! *grins*

Hahahaha. Oh and I'm a two timer. Baby F.Torres and Kettle accompany me! Yea, that is MSN MESSENGER open. Hahahaha. In NTU, everyone puts their status as busy/away. But sometimes they are free. =.= And then I've got SO many people in my contact list, and I don't know so many of them. And no point having to many also, they DON'T talk to you. HAHAHAHA!!! So yea, most times I'm the one starting conversations. And you know what? THEY REPLY DAMN FREAKING SLOW! Sigh, what to do? All damn smart people. *so OUT of topic already*

Sigh, being in NTU, I've got no proper nutrition. I very seldom eat fruits. Because the canteen fruits are freaking disgusting. I've never had a more disgusting papaya before!!! I think its just Singapore papayas which are so yucky. Hahaha. reject stop from Malaysia =P Wheeee!

I seriously MISS Malaysian food.

Now now, due to the lack of nutrition/vitamins. I take this. Well I was bored to death after completing my Marketing tutorial and all, so yea. Hehehe. I bought it from Korea and its been with me since. Julz hates me for not giving her ONE. BLEUK!!!

It comes in a box of 20 sachets

LOL! looks like its so heavy. Like I'm weightlifting! Hahaha.

Over exposure.


Anyway what I love about this is that its LEMON! Yummm! And when you pour it into your mouth, its soooo nice and cold. And then it just dissolves. SO DAMN NICE!!!

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 3:57 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Not Satisfied
Yeah Yeah! I'm not freaking satisfied in bed!!!

Hmm, it sucks, its hard.

O.O!!! I know I know... You all are like WTF!?!?!?! or or... WHAT THE FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK!?!?!?! Hahahaha.

My bed in NTU does not do sleep justice. Its so freaking HARD!!! I can feel the god damn spring. My shoulders ache. I'll soon get cranky and the only saving grace is that I slept enough. Err sort of. Slept at two, woke up at 11. Meaning.... 9 hours sleep. *grins*

Anyway last night was fun. Well I didn't shop as much as I would have LIKED, hmm, its not called shopping what I did. It was more relaxing window shopping. LOL! Look around and wait for mummy to come down. Wahhaha. Anyway I just got a top and flip flops. VERY nice one I must add. ;)

Still, not satisfied on the shopping front. We had dinner at Mussel Guys or whatever it is called. Food's ALRIGHT. Not good. Just passable. I can say I've eaten better. Hahaha. But the amount we spent, IF YOU DO NOT CONVERT its bloody reasonable. If you're going to convert, then I suggest you go eat at the canteens. Basically if you're on the lookout for good food, that's not a place to go to. If you're walking around in a mall and you are hungry and you stumble across the restaurant, then you go in. Hahaha. I wouldn't go back anyway. I think that explains it. Well again, my taste and your's is different. Mine is higher class eh? GOURMET!!! LMAO!!!

Sorry - no pictures. Hahahaha. Dessert was good though. Cookies and cream ice-cream. WAHAHAH! I know I know!!! Its just ice cream, we all know ice cream is good. Well the one they served was not from Nestle! Hahaha. And the smashed bits of cookies were like chocolate and a lil gooey when you bit them. Its so freaking GOOD!!! So yea, that's all.

Got back to NTU by 11pm. Went to the TV Lounge and "read" some marketing and then played cards with roomie and her friends. Yay! more new people... More new names... Cannot remember! SIAL ME!!! Hahaha. I'm best with English names... SORRRRY!!!

Anyway, shifting gears to the Beijing Olympics. *grins*

Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan final!!! Who's the monkeys who said he'll lose in the semis? HAH!!! Proved you WRONG!!! Its basically usually the case already. And we'll see who wins. The person with luck on their side will win. And the person who's more confident on court will win. That's my opinion. OF course, I may be wrong. There may be biased judging and stuff. But I'm really all out for Lee Chong Wei to win. And for those who don't like him. WHATEVER you say, doesn't change the fact that he IS Malaysia's best bet to get a gold. He IS an outstanding player. Especially now that he has Misbun Sidek back as his coach. He IS pretty darn consistent compared to all the other male badminton players. Just go check the statistics. Since he's gotten Misbun Sidek back as his coach, his performance is AMAZING! And those who say he plays boring badminton... OMFG!!! You need to actually WATCH badminton. Watch it NOW. I'm all out for him winning. And I know, if he loses then you'll just smack it in my face. But whatever! For once, MALAYSIA BOLEH! Hahaha. I don't get it. Is showing a sense of patriotism WRONG? Better in the sports front than the political front!

I think the Men's Singles and Men's Doubles are worth watching. Women Singles is a repeat of four years ago. But I want Zhang Ning to win. Yes yes, she's old, and she's probably retiring soon to coach. But I SERIOUSLY LIKE HER!!!

Why I say Men's Doubles is because its between the Indons and the Chinese. And its so awesome its not an all Chinese affair. Plus, I SOOOO LOVE the Chinese doubles style of attacking. They seldom defend. Especially this pair of Fu Haifeng/Cai Yun. They are usually the attacking ones. And when they play at the net... WAHAHAHAHA! VERY GOOD!!!! And then their smashes... COW!!! One of them is holding the record, I think its Fu. I cannot wait I cannot wait. *grins*

Michael Phelps makes it 7 out of 7. KNN!!! CI BAI CI BAI CI BAI!!! (hahaha sorry, I make up not swearing in English by swearing in Chinese) He won the 100m butterfly by 0.01 second. He clocked in 50.58 and the other fella clocked in 50.59. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!! Like wtf right? The timers has gotta be DEAD ON la. LMAO! well I know its all electronic and computers. But STILL. SIGH!!! Human reaction is also 0.4 seconds. LOL!!! Best bet is that Michael Phelps will get 8 out of 8! Hahaha. Good luck to him!

HAHAHAHHAHHAHHHAAHAH! I'm still laughing at the fact that NADAL has gone out.

WHEEE! CAUGHT YOU THERE DIDN'T I!?!?!?!?!?!?! Well still laughing at the fact that Federer is out. HU HU HU!!!

Anyway with all that said, I'm gonna do my work! GO GO GO!

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 11:40 AM | 0 has delicate hands

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beard Papa's

You may or may not know that I LOVE cream puffs. I know, I know, as a girl, its fattening and blah blah! I DON'T CARE! Cream puff is CREAM PUFF!!! Cannot NOT like it. And another thing, the thing about cream puffs is that its not cream as in WHIPPED-DISGUSTING cream in it. Its LOVELY-not-out-of-a-can flavoured cream. Normally vanilla. And I LOVE it!!!

Just so you know, I'm NOT paid for my posts. UNFORTUNATELY!!! Hahaha, but I memang DO love cream puffs like crazy. And I've always walked pass this particular shop. Never really got around to buying it. And I finally did when I was back in KL. In Pavillion with my family. Also normally I don't buy it because I don't usually use my own money. Hahaha. Use my parent's. Wheee! They really don't mind spending on food. So yeah! hehehe

Anyway this shop if called Beard Papa's. fresh'n natural cream puffs. And I assure you its VERY good.

The pastry is already ready made. You just tell them what fillings you want - vanilla (MY FAV!), chocolate, and some others that didn't appeal to me. And then you tell them how many you want and they will squirt the cream inside the pastry for you. And its super cool! There's A LOT of cream as well. Slurrrrp! Guilty pleasures!!!

They have an offer, RM21 for 6 pcs. If not individually is.... DARN! I forgot.

Anyhow, if you are looking for the place, its located at Pavillion, KL opposite J.Co. Of course there are other outlets, I'm not sure where else, but I'm sure there's one in MidValley. Now, I'm looking out for one in Singapore.

LET ME KNOW if you spot one. ;)


DSC00739 DSC00740 DSC00741

As you can probably see, its ALL vanilla. Wahahaha. I'm not brave enough to step out of my comfort zone. Well maybe other sort of food, just not cream puffs. *grins*


Hmm, its sugar coated as well. If its not appealing to you already... YOU WEIRD! Hahaha. Its fucking AWESOME!!!


Too bad there's no picture of me eating it eh? Or in the process of eating it. Hmm, I remember I had a post on another cream puff. Well not beard papa's. Hahaha. That one had me eating it and all... nice! ahaha

Anyway, CREAM PUFFS ARE THE SHIT! If you didn't know that already, SHAME SHAME on you!!!


The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 4:45 PM | 2 has delicate hands

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Night of extremes

Remember the night I went out with quite a lot of MSA members. For steamboat. And then after that I went to Hooters and then went for the GMAX? Well, here are the pictures.


Hooters Shot. I don't know what I was thinking... Hahaha. Its fine when I looked at the beer and lemon. Then tobasco and tomato sauce... can live with it... but then the...


OYSTERS!?!?!?! No no NO!!!! Sick sick sick!!! In case you don't know, oysters ARE NOT AN APHRODISIAC!!! Its freaking disgusting. It makes me want to PUKE! Hahaha. I seriously DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING!!! Hahaha.


Here's how its prepared. First goes the tobasco. Brrr


Then the lemon. I don't mind. I love lemon and anything. Hahaha. Yum!


Then its stirred. VIGOUROUSLY and you have THIS. Looks alright right? Wait for it.


Here comes the devil. FREAK!!!! Yuck!


Can you see it? In the first left glass... The oyster is just floating there. Like what the hell right?


And its ready to... eat? swallow? drink? Whatever floats your boat. For me its... gulp. Hahaha.


As you can see, I didn't have the guts to swallow the oyster. I swear whilst I was drinking it I was waiting for the oyster to just come. Faster just get in my mouth and I'll freaking swallow it. But noooo! It didn't. It had to linger around in the glass, and when I was nearly done with the liquid, it still didn't come. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! I was brave and daring enough to take the god damn oyster in my mouth... But I guess the oyster didn't want. So what to do? Leave it lah. I wasn't gonna eat the oyster on its own. SICK!!! Hahaha. I only eat oysters when its cooked with egg... Get this - C.O.O.K.E.D! Hahaha and even then I put loads of chili sauce.


Its freaking taunting ME!!! Hahaha.

Anyway someone else had it. Bleeeeuk!

The liquid was a concoction of Tiger beer, lemon and tobasco. They didn't put the tomato sauce. I THINK! Anyway, it was good. It was fiery. Seriously!!! It was good! I liked it a lot.

And its surprising, because I do not like beer. But it being mixed like that... not bad. Quite interesting. It beats beer on its own! hahaha.

After that, Hooters shut down on us. Freaking hell, what's wrong with them? Hmm. Well, like I said before. Hooters in Singapore SUCKS!!! Never gonna go there again, even if my life depended on it. Let them hire some big-breasted women first... or at least some who HAS breast. HAHAHAHAHA!

Blahhh! Shut up. I'm allowed to check girls out TOO ok. AND have opinions. Its TRUE lah ok!!!

Anyhooooo. After Hooters, walked around and then decided to go on the Reverse Bungy and the Ultimate Swing. *grins*

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The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 10:11 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Brek @ Changi Airport (Terminal 2)

When I went back to KL, I woke up so early. I didn't have any breakfast. So I headed to Brek at Changi Airport after immigration. I've been there before. Had their pizza and spaghetti. Its not bad. NICE!

So for breakfast they have a number of sandwiches and pizza and muffins. I had a muffin and a sandwich.

In my honest opinion, the sandwich was too dull. More on that with the pictures. I still prefer their pizzas and spaghetti. But there's no way I'm having that for BREAKFAST right? Hahaha my eating times are already so screwed up. No need to screw up the whole system right? Haha


My breakfast. Chocolate Muffin and Ham and Cheese Sandwich.


Hmm, muffins are GOOD! And its chocolate!!! Grrrrrr! you DO NOT touch my chocolate muffin unless I say so. And that's only when it sucks. When its dry and flat and hard - LMAO!!!!! sounds SO WRONG!!! Shit shit shit... cannot cannot. too perverted already. Hahaha.  UREEEEEEEYA n SOPHHHHHIAAAA! Where are YOU!?!?! hahaha This muffin was soft, moist, chocolatey and absolutely a god-sent from heaven. Hahaha.  Enough said. And its so good because most of the chocolate is at the bottom and its melted and... GOOEY!!!!!!!!!!! Yum Yum!


Now for the sandwich... Ham and Cheese. Hmm, my honest opinion? Too flat. I looove cheese. It was Edam Cheese. The ham was good as well. The bread was AWESOME! It was soft, and just soooo good. They should probably have put some mayo or something. No problems... I put some chili sauce and it was AWESOME! Hahaha. With the chili sauce, SATISFACTION baby! ;)

And the price? Its OK for AIRPORT food. We all know how marked-up airport food it right? Hahaha. Well I won't state the price. Just so you know, I won't eat it otherwise. Hahaha. I'd go for their pizza, spaghetti and muffins. Hahaha. 


The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 5:04 PM | 0 has delicate hands