I Love Food

The author is a food lover.
Message: I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. My family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook for myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out. More about me.

It's Chinese Take Out Time

I decided to have this food blog to honor all the yummylicious food. You can visit my non-food blog here

Adventures With Chopsticks

Zang Toi West 57th St. Cafe, Pavilion KL
I don't know what this is called
Aseana Cafe Bar @ KLCC
Chocolat World
CNY reunion dinner
Welcome Home!
Sick Food (literally)
What's for dinner and lunch?
Must eat back home
What a day!

Take Out Boxes

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009

Fortune Cookies

Friday, August 31, 2007

Malaysian Food
Since its Merdeka I decided to have a post on Malaysian food. Now, tell me... Who cannot resist Malaysian Food? As soon as you see a plate of Nasi Lemak or Roti Canai or Asam Laksa, do you feel the urge to dig in? DO you NEED to?

Because I for one, NEED to. I cannot (honestly) resist good Malaysian food.

If anyone comes to Malaysia, its a 'custom' to have a taste of Malay dishes, - nasi lemak, laksa, satay, rendang, sambal, mee jawa, ikan bakar - Indian and Mamak dishes, - a plate of mamak rice, mamak mee goreng, maggi goreng, nasi briyani, the indian curries, mamak curries, tandoori chicken, mee rebus, murtabak, roti canai, roti telur/ roti bawang - Chinese dishes - Hainan chicken rice, chili crab, steamed pomfret (or whatever fish you desire), hot and spicy kerapu/grouper/garoupa fish, sweet and sour pork, bak kut teh, yong tau foo, char kway teow, hokkien mee, wanton mee, curry mee, chee chong fun, lor bak, o'chien, popiah, LOK LOK!, ais kacang/ ABC - Nyonya dishes - Rojak, asam laksa, laksa lemak, mee siam, bubur cha-cha, cendol. Hmm, who can forget Curry Puffs, Pineapple Tarts, etc etc.

My, oh my. There REALLY is A LOT of dishes. Just so you guys know, there are actually LOADS more dishes. This are just a few examples.

I'm drooling right now. So much for losing weight. hahahahaahahaha.

Food is good. Malaysian food is the best. =D

If people come to Malaysia and don't eat these foods- its like going to Japan and not eating sushi or sashimi or udon. Its like showering without water (just not right). So yeaaaa... I promote Malaysia for its food. Mainly for that and the KL Tower and Petronas Twin Towers. And also the lovely beaches. AND also because its my homeland.

Happy 50th Merdeka!!!

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 6:37 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Jogoya & Spaghetti
I've decided that I'll post more on Jogoya. Instead of a slideshow, I'll do it like usual - picture by picture explaining what things are. See! I'm sooooo bloody nice. But firstly, I don't have the time to do it now. So I promise!!! I'm going to get the pictures from my mum's camera and then I'll make you guys drool! (That's a promise, just like how I made you drool with the Molten Choc Cake. wahahahah)

My dad and I are on the lookout for AWESOME, AUTHENTIC and AMAZING (the three A's) spaghetti. Whilst I was away at AKLTG (18/08 - 21/08/07) [refer to personal blog]
My family went to Modesto's in Bangsar and apparently the spaghetti there was awesome. One day thing is that... I didn't go and evaluate. Because my taste buds... are special. Wahahaha. Anyway, we're planning a trip there one day. I cannot wait. =P

Anyway in the meantime, two days back I went to FHM 2007 [refer to personal blog]. This cafe is located on the first floor of Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. My dad ordered the Spaghetti Aglio-Aglio and here it is. I had the Ceasar's Salad. Unfortunately, I forgot about taking a picture and dug into my salad. My salad by the way was VERY fresh. The dressing wasn't too creamy nor thick. The dressing was very very good. And had the right bit of this and that... everything that was required. Anyway here are pictures of the lovely Spaghetti Aglio-aglio. Yummy!!! It was seriously good. Authentic, but a little customized. No doubt GOOD! My dad and I was extremely surprised it was so good. But it had to be, for the price we were paying. =P

Ah, lovely. I was trying to take a picture with the steam... Unfortunately my camera isn't that "canggih" and it was too bright.

There was prawns, mussels, scallops and it was pretty big.

I'd die for a plate of good spaghetti, especially in Malaysia. Its hard to find one.

Whilst waiting for the food. Bored to death. Haha

My dad saw the camera aiming at him, he quickly sat up straight and posed for the picture. And yes, he was actually ON the phone. Ah, the poser-blood runs in the family =D

The total bill for a Caffe Latte, mineral water, spaghetti aglio-aglio and ceasar's salad was RM64. yes just DROP DEAD now!

Ambiance - 7/10 (overlooking the park so not too bad)
Food - 9/10
Service - 8/10

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 7:05 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Friday, August 24, 2007

Dinner at Jogoya

Had dinner at Jogoya with my family. And let the slideshow load. All the yummy food is there. Loads of pictures. Take your time. =D

I wanted to take more pictures of the layout and setting of the place but I kena scolded. They obviously don't know that I'm promoting their place, not stealing ideas and opening my own restaurant. Pfft! Anyway, took loads of pictures of the food. So do enjoy.

If you love oysters, this is the place for you. The oysters are fresh and VERY big. I don't like it. So brrr *shivers* Anyway, its worth it. The sashimi. And etc

Anyway, the ambience there is awesome. There's loads of people. So if you want to have lunch or dinner there, I advice on making a reservation.

Its a little pricey, but my say is that its very reasonable. The food offered is very worth the price.

Lunch - RM 68 or 78
Dinner - RM 88

T3, Relish Floor, Starhill.
Bukit Bintang

Tel No: 603-21421268

Ambience - 9/10
Food - 10/10
Service - 8/10

Btw, after dinner - we were walking to Marriott's to get our cars and we saw Mahathir. My mum and aunt ML was the most excited. Should have taken a video or picture. Haha it was cool.

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 10:11 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Friday, August 17, 2007

Dinner at Chilis
Just came back from Chilis. Actually wanted to go to Delicious at Bangsar Village as recommended by Mei Jean. But then... scared of the traffic around the area (you know la, Saturday night... Telawi. NO NO!) and also not that familiar with the place. So decided on Chilis

As you people probably already know, Chilis is a good place to eat. Fabulous!

I went with my family. My dad is in East Malaysia for a business trip, and John's in Singapore studying his butt off (good job!) hehe. So I went with my siblings and mum, also my aunt.

Here are the dishes we ordered! and some other random pictures.

Snap a picture just before he dug into his Cheesy Pizza

Whilst waiting for her food, she plays with the Kids activity book thing that they provide for KIDS - not 14 year olds right? haha

Camera-shy. Enjoying her Chili. Which she didn't really enjoy. Didn't eat it. I dont eat beef.

My mum got the Triple Play, which came with the Southwestern Eggrolls. Ahhh, its DELICIOUS!!! And you top it off with the pale green sauce/dip they give. Absolutely yummy! *getting fat already!* (malu)

My dish, the chicken fajitas... Forgot the exact name. My mum already took one piece. So colourful. I like it!

Julz's Lamb Shank. Really good! Would have preferred black pepper sauce. But its good, gravy was nice.

Bel's Mushroom Jack. And her Chili. See her la. Order this and that. SO much food. Even I felt full just looking at it. She didn't finish it all. What a waste! Hope its a lesson for her la.

Jacobson's pizza. Not that good. According to my mum. I didn't taste it. Ah, it was in the Kid's menu la.

This my friends, is TO DIE FOR!!!! Molten Chocolate Cake. Something like that. I think that's the exact name. Its absolutely FANTASTIC!!!

Ok, there's the cake. And its warm. There's vanilla ice-cream on the top, which is coated with chocolate. And around the cake is chocolate sauce. You cut into the cake, and melted chocolate oozes out. Cut a small piece of the cake, and put it into your mouth.... WARM!!!!!!! CHOCOLATEY!!! and absolutely HEAVEN! Cut deeper into the cake, take a piece, with a little ice-cream. I'M DEFINITELY IN HEAVEN! Out of all the dishes, I loved this the most. I'm a sucker... BIG TIME sucker for desserts. I was so full after the main course, but when this came, I couldn't resist! And its BIG too. Jacobson, Julz and myself shared this. We wanted more!!!

Just to prove how good it was. Jacobson was scraping the plate clean. Would have told him to lick the plate. Lol

Julz enjoying it.

Ok ok, my ratings for Chilis is going to be spoilt... mainly because of the dessert. :P hehehe. IF a place has good... or rather awesome dessert, the ratings are higher.

Ambience - 9/10
Food - 10/10
Service - 8/10

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 9:40 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mamak Mee Goreng
Its one the the dishes that any foreigner needs to taste when they come to Malaysia. You know, its like when you go to a certain country, you HAVE to eat a certain dish, if not you would not have been there if you didn't eat it. Its like going to Thailand and not requesting for Tom Yam. Or going to Japan and not wanting to have sushi. Or going to Switzerland and not wanting cheese and chocolates. Hmm if you ever go Switzerland that's what you gotta bring back home. Or you go to New Zealand and not have good lamb. See what I mean? Its just that if you come to Malaysia, ONE WEEK is NOT enough to taste what you gotta. Well depends on how big your appetite is la.

Anyway, I think I have found one of THE best mamak mee goreng ever in Malaysia. Compared to all the mamak I've been to, I think this one I had was awesome. It wasn't soaking wet, it wasn't too dry. Just right. And the taste was there, with the lime juice. Perfecto! AND for RM5, it is very reasonable. I had the Mee Goreng Ayam (chicken fried noodles). Very good. Its WOW big. I had one plate and I was filled. Very very filled. I was already on the verge of throwing up, not because it wasn't good, but because the food filled up to the brim of my oesophagus. (what a way to describe)

Anyway, this place... Its called Restoran Maula... blah! I forgot!!!!!!! *sobs* Anyway its opposite the Serdang KTM station. What you gotta do is walk over the bridge, and the shop lots, its a corner shop. You come down the bridge you can see it. Cannot miss it.

AHHH!! I remember the name I remember it!!!!!!!! Restoran MAULANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe. It took me about 30minutes to figure out. Hehe, my bad.

Anyway if you wish to try it out and you're at my place. Ask!!! I'd gladly bring you. And I know my family wouldn't have any debates about eating at a mamak. We all love it there. =D

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 8:06 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Sunday, August 12, 2007

House of Sudanese food
I went to this place last week. The day before John went back to Singapore. Its located in KLCC. On the same level as Kinokuniya and located next to Little Penang Kafe. This Sudanese food is not food from Sudan, Africa. Sudanese refers to a group of Indonesian food... Don't know how to phrase it, but you get what I mean... right?

Very creative menu actually. My own problem was that the menu had very little items on it.
My mum enjoying the appetizer. It was those bitter chips. Bel (in red) and Julz (in black.. my shirt btw!) messing around with themselves. hahaha, Bel ignoring Julz

Jacobson snapping a picture... of actually the poser monkeys, Julz and Bel

Daddy. hahahaha =P candid ROCKS!

Jacobson. You ask him to smile he gives you an ugly one. You take a pic of him candidly and its a good pic... This is one of those good smiles he gives. (if not the only)

The Mango Salad. Not my favourite because of the peanuts. I hate peanuts. (or any kind of nuts)

The grilled sotong. Not bad la. I only had one small piece.

This dish, I recommend. Its tofu and egg. Although the sauce has nuts, I just eat the tofu part and its great

The grilled fish. Not bad. Its fresh, but a bit sweet for me and too black for my liking.. Didn't really like it. but I did enjoy the freshness

Ah, the curry chicken. Not that awesome.

I wouldn't really recommend this place. But if you're feeling like something different. Try it.

The ambiance if quite nice. Food is reasonable. Service a bit slow but they were nice.. And do not order their barley, unless you like it really sweet.

My review...

Food - 6/10
Ambiance - 7.5/10
Service - 7.5/10

PS: I was shocked my parents wanted to go there, and said the food was good. Not my favourite.

PSS: Currently on a search for GOOD AUTHENTIC ITALIAN food. and good Lamb Chop. =P

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 7:46 PM | 1 has delicate hands

Lemon custard pudding cake
Got rave reviews from my family members about this pudding-cake that I made. And it tastes awesome too.

The final outcome. Lovely golden brown layer on the top. Fluffy and slightly crispy cake followed by the soft custard pudding. With a tinge of tangy lemon taste. (Note to self: Should add more lemon)

As you can see the two distinct layers. Pudding and cake. Tastes FAB too. =)

A clearer view. The custard/pudding is extremely SOFT its so good. And the cake is awesome. You can cut out the cake and eat it on its own. or the pudding on its own. It tastes the best when you have half of each. SHIOK!

Just to show you the lovely layers.

Within 10 minutes of it coming out of the oven, that much is gone. It would actually have been much more, but I stopped everyone from taking more. Dinner first.

Its best taken whilst its warm, with a side scoop of ice cream.

After dinner, noone touched it. Because I said not to. Was saving it for the next day. To my utter horror, when I woke up this morning, there was only a quarter of the cut out piece (in the picture) Not a quarter of the whole thing, a quarter (if NOT LESS) of the cut out piece. I gobbled it down anyhow. Bloody hell, who had so much? I found out it was Jessebel. Lol.

It tastes slightly better the following day, the lemon taste could be tasted more. But the only bad thing was the pudding was not as soft as when it came outta the oven. VERY VERY LITTLE BIT harden. Not a lot. But it was good. Kinda like jelly.

The recipe? Another day. wheee =P

*I'm so bloody PROUD!*

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 9:10 AM | 0 has delicate hands

Friday, August 10, 2007

Chu Kiok Chou
Now Chu Kiok Chou - Pork leg in Vinegar. To be frank, my family doesn't really like the leg part. Because there's too much fat. So we get the muscular part of the leg, and some part wit the fats. We take the knuckles.

Here's the ingredients:

Of course you need PORK! (sorry, Non-Halal)

Eggs. Hard-boiled. Ginger. What you need to do with them, is peel off the skin and crush it. That's all. Don't have to cut it or anything, but I'd suggest to cut the ginger in half then crush it. My dad just crushes the whole thing.
Garlic. Not really a lot needed. Peel off the first papery layer. And if there's another papery layer... get rid of that too. Wash the garlic. No need to peel it or chop it or anything. Just as it is.

I don't know what this is called. But the pictures it there.


One to three cinnamon sticks, according to how much you are cooking.

Last but not least. TWO WHOLE BOTTLES OF BLACK VINEGAR! Yes! My dad used TWO. It was not opened and we emptied both out. It amazes me. But then it also varies on the amount you are cooking.

Some extra ingredients. Gula Melaka, a teenie bit of oyster sauce and some salt if you wish (i dont) oh yea, and dried red chilies.

Intestines? That's optional. I say don't add it.

Put in the gula melaka, garlic, ginger, spices, chili and a bit of oyster sauce... stir stir stir

Stir and stir... dont worry about the gula melaka as blocks, it will melt.

add in the pork. And stir a bit. Add in the two bottles of vinegar. stir a little. and leave it to boil. and simmer for awhile. once the pork is cooked, add the eggs. heat. You'll want the flavour to get into the eggs. But after too long... one day? the egg will be HARD. hahah

So yea. There you go. Good good food!

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 9:07 PM | 0 has delicate hands

A little about my cravings.
I'm a girl who comes from a BIG family who admires worship food. So to say that, I've grown up to love and appreciate the food laid out in front of me. Each of my family members love food as much as I do. Its just a pity that my appetite is not as big as theirs. But I do manage to eat a lot when there's really really good food. I love all kinds of cuisine but have a soft spot for anything spicy. I cook myself when I have the time. I bake for my family. And sometimes its perfect, sometimes its not. I'm not a professional chef, but I do love cooking. Its the best thing in the world that I'm located in the heart of AWESOME-EST food in the World, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. No where else can you get better food. MALAYSIA HAS THE BEST FOOD!!!!

My dad is a very good cook. He whips up a good stew, its not the best, but it does satisfy me. He can make a very good Chinese dish, 'Chu Kiok Chou' - Pork Leg in Vinegar (which I will show you later on). He fuses Western and Eastern to make a spicy sardine spaghetti. It may sound very disgusting but it does taste extremely awesome.

My mum is not a very good cook. But she knows good food when it reaches her taste buds. My mum can't cook but she can direct you. She'll tell you what to do and you do the correct thing and you get a very good dish. She can give you the recipe of very good soups. And I love the soups... minus the Chinese herbal ones and the one with black beans and catfish. YUCK!

My elder brother, John, is currently studying overseas. He's the best when it comes to picking dishes out of the menu. (with the exception of my dad). John knows what to pick, its as if he's a frequent customer. Most times I'll order my dish and I'll curi (steal) from his plate. Or sometimes I save myself the trouble and ask him to pick for me. He cooks good as well, but I guess is just too lazy.

My younger sister, Juliana aka Julz, has a sudden craving for spicy food. Which is a very good thing, because for a moment she hated spicy whereas everyone else in my family LOVED spicy. So now that she likes it. Its awesome. She has a big appetite for a girl. And she doesn't put on weight... So that makes me jealous of her. Most times. =P She tends to pick the wrong item on the menu. Most days at least.

My other younger sister, Jessebel aka Bel, has been a chubby kid since birth. She's still chubby but she's tall. Gonna be taller than me, mind you. I'm not particularly happy about that. She really enjoys food but has the constant nagging behind her from various people telling her not to eat so much because she is fat. I guess I'm the only one whom makes her eat more. Because I know that good food is hard to resist.

The baby of the family, Jacobson, already has a belly. Hahaha! Its cute. He enjoys bread. He tends to enjoy the food that I whip up, which is good. Not that everyone else doesn't eat the food I make. But he always has praise for it. So I'm really happy.

Let's not get started with my other family members like uncles, aunts, grandparents and cousins. We'll stop here.

In the most recent, I've made a very satisfying chili con carde, which my family really enjoyed and got great reviews from my dad - which is hard to get. My Lemon Custard Pudding Cake has also got the thumbs up from him. Its awesome. Its just a pity that John isn't around to taste my cake.

And that's more or less about it. =D

The aroma flowing out of the kitchen door is always the best, whereas the aroma coming out of the toilet door after a satisfying meal is not my favourite. There's so much more to know about me. Guess you're just going to have to find out.

The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 7:59 PM | 0 has delicate hands

Friday, August 3, 2007

I cook! Yes I do! Mei Jean, does it amaze you? =P

So what did I cook? I cooked chili con carne for dinner. Its a Mexican dish and its delicious! Its spicy. Wasn't as spicy as chili padi, but I wanted it to be. I added loads of pepper. Yum Yum! My family L.O.V.E.S PEPPER!!!

I admit, I didn't prepare the dish from scratch, I kinda bought the ready made salsa. I improvised, I used chapatti instead of nachos or tortilla chips, because I couldn't find any. So not my fault. I added onions. Hmm, I used minced meat (pork) instead of ground beef.

Sadly, I didn't take a photo. But I'd search on the net for a picture. And I swear to God, it tastes absolutely FABULOUS!!!

Of course, I didn't make something that looks so crap like that. Ceh!

Anyway, head to my food blog for more details. Well, it is a FOOD blog after all. =D


The Guilty Princess fumbled with chopsticks @ 8:27 PM | 0 has delicate hands